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M Imre
Népzene klub vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Népzene klub közösségi oldalán!
Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
M Imre
Népzene klub vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Népzene klub közösségi oldalán!
Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.
Ezt találod a közösségünkben:
M Imre
Népzene klub vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Népzene klub közösségi oldalán!
Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.
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M Imre
Népzene klub vezetője
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Kis türelmet...
1/1 oldal (8 videó)
It is a historical moment for Warsaw Village Band! We're happy to announce, that the group is preparing a new LP with the legendary singer and multiinstrumentlist from Galicia in Spain: Mercedes Peón. The new CD is promoted by a single track "Fly my voice!", recorded in November 2012.
"We're on the front of a serious challenge. Mercedes is an amazing performer, a one-man-band, a stage shaman, with a fantastic background story and a long list of artistic achievements. She's also an activist, deeply committed to social, cultural and political issues, fighting for women's rights and the protection of the Galician language." says Maciej Szajkowski, musician for and founder of Warsaw Village Band founder. "The concept of a joint album release is based on exploring the analogies between the peripheries of Europe: the archaic musical heritage of Mazovia region and the uniqueness of traditional culture Galicia." - adds Szajkowski.
"For the first time in WVB discography we'll add a lot of electronic music, which is brilliantly produced by Mercedes. We're developing the band's instrumentation: Ewa Wałecka learns to play the hurdy-gurdy, and Sylwia Świątkowska plays a special 5-string viola" - says Magdalena Sobczak, vocalist and dulcimer player for WVB.
The world concert premiere of the joint album will be held on 14th June in Dortmund, Germany, at Klangvokalen Festival. On 1st August the artists will perform at the Main Stage of the jubilee, the 20th edition of the Woodstock Festival in Kostrzyn, in front of 400 000 expected visitors.
"We are delighted by the invitation." - adds Piotr Glinski, a musician for the band. "Woodstock is without a doubt one of the most important and grandest festivals, not only in Poland and Europe, but worldwide. Several years ago we played there on a small stage, now it's time for the main stage. This will be a special event to which we invite you today."
The videoclip "Fly my voice!" was edited by Kuba Stężycki ( ). The audio mix and mastering was done by Mariusz "Activator" Dziurawiec and Jaroslaw "Smok" Smak from Warsaw studio AS One). The recording was made in Polish Radio S-4 in Warsaw through the courage of Activator, Ezequiel Orol and Jacek Gladkowski.
The single is available for digital distribution on
In May 2014 the musicians enter the Wisla DR Studio to record a full album. The producers of the album will be Activator and Smok from AS One Studio. The schedule release date of the collaborative album is 22nd September 2014. The production of the album was possible thanks to the generous support of Association of Artists STOART. Executive producers are Karrot Kommando and Mateusz Dobrowolski.
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