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M Imre
Népzene klub vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Népzene klub közösségi oldalán!
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M Imre
Népzene klub vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Népzene klub közösségi oldalán!
Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.
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M Imre
Népzene klub vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Népzene klub közösségi oldalán!
Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.
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M Imre
Népzene klub vezetője
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Kis türelmet...
Molly Tuttle | 2023. máj. 18.
Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway perform "El Dorado," from their upcoming album, 'City of Gold,' produced by Jerry Douglas and Molly Tuttle, due July 21 on Nonesuch Records, live in Nashville. Pre-order at
Molly Tuttle - Acoustic Guitar and Vocals
Bronwyn Keith-Hynes - Fiddle and Harmony Vocals
Dominick Leslie - Mandolin
Kyle Tuttle - Banjo and Harmony Vocals
Shelby Means - Bass and Harmony Vocals
Directed & Edited by Michael Kessler
Recorded and Mixed by Sean Sullivan
Filmed at Sound Emporium Studio A in Nashville
El Dorado
(Written by Molly Tuttle & Ketch Secor)
I’m Gold Rush Kate from the Golden State
With a nugget around my neck
I keep the red lights burning bright from here to hell and back
I’ve dug for silver and for gold from Boulder up to Haines
But when I hit Coloma boys I made my final claim
Crossed the High Sierras in the spring of ’48
And every man with a shovel and pan
Has stumbled through my gate
Behind these doors whiskey pours and lovin’ flows like wine
Miners boast of mother lodes they’ll dig or else die trying
El Dorado
They come from far and wide to quell the fever in their souls
It haunts their brain they’ve gone insane
For the glimmer of the gold
The devil must have drug ’em here down a one-way path
’Cause when you hit Coloma boys you never make it back
There’s Redwood Bill he can drink his fill
And so can John the Rover
Bad Luck Dave is in his grave his gold dust days are over
They fill their pans with blood and sand
And call to god upstairs
But in the golden country boys
The lord don’t hear your prayers
El Dorado
Cross yourself on Hangman’s Hill if you run into Reno Maria
When the sky is dark she can read the stars
From Mars to Cassiopeia
She comes around when the sun comes down
With fortunes to be told
For a copper penny she’ll tell you plenty
Except where to find the gold
Better stay away from Snake Oil Jake
He’ll fool you with a fountain pen
One look in his eyes you’ll be hypnotized
He’s got that slight of hand
He’s sleek and fat like an old tom cat
They say he has nine lives
But Snake Oil Jake sure met his fate
When they shot him down ten times
Don’t stake your claim with the Dogtown Gang
Or the boys from Rough and Ready
Don’t thumb your nose at the Sydney Cove
’Cause the hammer comes down heavy
On every jack who tries to hack his way to fortune fair
And comes to find he’s last in line to be a millionaire
El Dorado
El Dorado city of gold city of fools
Heard the news from Siskiyou the rush is moving on
Leaving old Coloma boys and bound for Oregon
Here in town the tailing piles have all gone to rust
One day you boom but pretty soon
Your booming days are bust
So now I sweep the empty streets and boarded up saloon
Seen ’em fade from golden days to ghost towns left to ruin
Was it worth the blood and dirt to dig our lives away
But life goes quick so come get rich in Californ-I-A
El Dorado
El Dorado city of gold city of fools
Has the fever got a hold on you
I’ve seen it all the rise and fall and now I take my rest
I’m Gold Rush Kate from the Golden State
And I’m the last one left
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